Weight Loss Goal

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

First Week at Home

By the time I returned home I had gained 6 pounds since I'd went in for surgery (just 1 day earlier). I read that weight gain is common post-op, so I didn't panic too bad, but I certainly wasn't very happy. My surgery was on a Thursday so it was recommended by my doctor to take the remainder of that week and the next full week off of work.

The first week post-op I started back on my liquid diet, and walking on the treadmill. At this point, I couldn't sleep in my bed. I was sleeping in the recliner. It just hurt to sleep in the bed, and who likes pain? At the beginning of week two I added full liquids, and by the end of the week I added a few mushies.

I was pretty much healed by the end of week 2. By this time, I finally lost the six pounds that I gained when I left the hospital, and an additional 4 pounds. I weighed 200 when I went in for my 2 week follow-up visit. I didn't see Dr. Slikkers, just the nutritionist, Mary Kay. She told me I was healing well and doing great with my weight loss. It didn't feel great to me, my weight only went down by 4 pounds (even though I did lose 10 pounds). GOOD NEWS.....I began sleeping in my bed by week three with very minimal pain.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Actual Surgery

My mom and I traveled to Traverse City the night before surgery (September 16, 2009) to stay in a hotel since I lived an hour and a half away. We decided to go to the casino that night to kinda take my mind off of things. Of course, we didn't win anything but did have fun. :)

The morning of surgery I weighed in at 204 pounds. I arrived to the hospital 2 hours before surgery for prep. During the 2 hours I met with Dr. Slikkers, 2 anesthesiologists, and an assistant surgeon. My surgery was at 9am. I believe I woke up in recovery about 10am, the surgery took about a half an hour.

I was in recovery until 5:30pm waiting for a room to be available since my surgery was to be inpatient. Mom was able to visit me a couple of times; finally around 4:30 they let her stay in my "area" with me as long as the curtain was drawn.

I made it to my room and felt GREAT! I wanted to go for a walk, I did and then I wasn't so great. I over did it. Mom went home since she had to work the next day. I was very thankful that she was there.(She took me in for surgery and I told my husband to work 1 more day because someone has to bring home the bacon (he also works away from home) and mom would have been there if he was or not). I woke twice in the night, once for pain and once for a headache. They gave me dilated which made me nauseated, so they gave me anti-nauseating meds. The rest of the night I slept pretty good. I was very worried about snoring and keeping my room mate up but she said that I didn't snore at all.

My husband, Jason, showed up to the hospital first thing in the morning. I seen Dr. Slikkers and did my swallow study that was required before I would be released, which looked great. By 11:45am, I was released and on my way home. I rode the hour and a half with a pillow on my stomach to hold things in place.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Pre-Op Diet

My pre-op diet went really well. I was determined to shrink my liver and lose some weight to prove I was serious about the decision I'd made to change the way I live my life. My husband Jason, was very supportive of my pre-op diet. The morning of surgery I weighed in at 204 pounds. I lost 17 pounds in my pre-op diet, how awesome is that!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

PCP Clearance & Pre-Op Appointment

On August 31, 2009, I had my PCP appointment and my Pre-Op appointment. I worked a half day and the rest of it was full of doctor visits.

I traveled 20 minutes south to my PCP to get clearance for my surgery. She cleared me with out question. I didn't need to redo labs or have an EKG (since I'm in my early 30's).

I then traveled and hour and a half north for my pre-op appointment. I weighed in at 221 pounds. The highest I have ever been in my life! Dr. Slikkers went over the lap band procedure with me and then I met with Mary Kay (nutritionist). She talked with me about my pre-op diet, high protein - low carb - low sugar - low calorie. I am to start my pre-op diet on September 2, 2009.