Weight Loss Goal

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

First Week at Home

By the time I returned home I had gained 6 pounds since I'd went in for surgery (just 1 day earlier). I read that weight gain is common post-op, so I didn't panic too bad, but I certainly wasn't very happy. My surgery was on a Thursday so it was recommended by my doctor to take the remainder of that week and the next full week off of work.

The first week post-op I started back on my liquid diet, and walking on the treadmill. At this point, I couldn't sleep in my bed. I was sleeping in the recliner. It just hurt to sleep in the bed, and who likes pain? At the beginning of week two I added full liquids, and by the end of the week I added a few mushies.

I was pretty much healed by the end of week 2. By this time, I finally lost the six pounds that I gained when I left the hospital, and an additional 4 pounds. I weighed 200 when I went in for my 2 week follow-up visit. I didn't see Dr. Slikkers, just the nutritionist, Mary Kay. She told me I was healing well and doing great with my weight loss. It didn't feel great to me, my weight only went down by 4 pounds (even though I did lose 10 pounds). GOOD NEWS.....I began sleeping in my bed by week three with very minimal pain.

1 comment:

  1. Did you do clear liquids for the first week after your surgery? That is what I have been told to do and while I know I will do it no matter what, I am a little nervous about being really sick of it by the end of the week, lol....did you try to do any clear protein drinks that week?
